

News 22 Sep 2021
ASOIU’s Rector meets with students of two more faculties

On September 20-21, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with second-year students from two more faculties of the university. The meeting was held taking into account all the necessary instructions (keeping social distance and following hygiene rules) set by the Ministry of Education to prevent the spread of the disease during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

At the beginning of the meeting with the participation of students of the Information Technologies and Control and Faculty of Economics and Management Faculties, were honored with a minute of silence the memory of the Patriotic War martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Rector M. Babanli informed the students about the state of preparation for the new academic year, the work done to improve the quality of education. He said that despite the pandemic, the necessary measures have been taken to start traditional education.

Emphasizing the importance of the health and safety of staff and students of the university, the rector spoke about the need to vaccinate students, noting that it is at the same time a social responsibility.
