

News 23 Sep 2021
A working group and isolation rooms have been set up at ASOIU in connection with COVID-19

In connection with the start of traditional education at the universities of Azerbaijan on September 29, a working group has been created at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) to address issues related to the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, isolation rooms were allocated on each floor for staff and students who experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 or got a positive test result for coronavirus during their stay at the university. Thus, in the first educational building, there will be rooms 135, 237, 323, 444A, in the second -1108, 1331, 1424, 1520, and laboratory isolators on the VI floor. The decision to establish a working group of 25 people and the allocation of special isolators for people with suspected coronavirus infection was made at a meeting of the ASOIU Academic Board on September 22. At the same time, to effectively continue the vaccination process, a vaccination room was opened at ASOIU under the general leadership of the Ministry of Education and TƏBIB. Taking into account the continuation of a special quarantine regime in the country in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, disinfection works are regularly carried out at ASOIU, hand sanitizers are installed in several places on the floors. 5 alternative entrances and exits will operate in ASOIU buildings from September 29.
