

News 29 Sep 2021
Traditional education has started at ASOIU

On September 29, in all higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan, including the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), traditional full-time education began in compliance with the rules of the quarantine regime. To prevent overcrowding at the entrance and exit of students to the university, there are 5 alternative entrances and exits in the university buildings.

A disinfection system is installed at each entrance that operates in an automatic mode, with the help of which everyone entering the university will be disinfected. In addition, thermal imagers will measure the temperature of all employees and students in the administrative building of the university. The thermal imager can detect those with above-normal temperatures and immediately transmit them to the system.

To organize training by the rules of the quarantine regime, the participation of students in the classes is provided to 70% of the classroom capacity. High-quality audio-video equipment specially installed in the classrooms creates the effect of maximum live participation of students in such classes online. To ensure that all students participate in offline and online classes, the distribution is determined by dividing the upper and lower weeks. This rule does not apply to groups where the number of students is less than 15. At the same time, to reduce the intensity of movement of students during breaks and avoid congestion in the corridors, students during the day will take all classes in the same classrooms, and each teacher will come to these classrooms.

In addition, there are isolators for employees and students who may feel bad, on each floor in the ASOIU educational buildings. When applying for medical assistance a special working group will promptly resolve any problems that arise.

It should be noted that in the 2021/2022 academic year, 3166 people entered the ASOIU bachelor's degree (including 137 people to the Azerbaijan-French University - UFAZ), 1250 people to the master's degree (including 66 people to the Azerbaijan-French University - UFAZ ), 346 people were admitted to the bachelor's degree of the Industrial Enterprises Staff Development and Retraining Institute (IESDRI) at the University - for re-training education. At present, more than 16,500 students study at all levels of education at ASOIU, about 87% of them study on a free basis (at public expense).
