

News 04 Oct 2021
ASOIU hosts the "Information Day" of the International Cooperation Office

The "Information Day" event for students of the International Cooperation Office (ICO) of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held on October 4.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Vice-Rector for International Relations of ASOIU Ulviya Abbasova, informing about the activities of the office, the work done, as well as exchange programs, invited students to participate in training.

Leila Nagieva, OMS specialist, making a presentation on the activities of the office, told detailed information about the programs that allow studying abroad (Erasmus +, Mevlana), summer schools offered by the office, as well as important points that students need to know when applying for any program.

At the end of the meeting, students received answers to their questions regarding the project.
