

News 04 Oct 2021
ASOIU Rector meets with doctoral students

On October 4, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli, met with doctoral students and dissertators admitted to ASOIU in 2020/2021.

Opening the event, the ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, greeted the participants and announced the statistics of admission to doctoral studies at the university in the current academic year.

At the same time, she made a presentation on the rates of admission to PhD of the university under the programs of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in 2011-2021. Expressing satisfaction with the meeting with doctoral students, the Rector, Professor M. Babanli noted that great attention is paid to PhD at ASOIU. The rector stressed the significance of scientific work for the university as a research center. Speaking about the importance of using new technologies and innovative methods in teaching and the main directions of the development of science, M. Babanli touched upon the lack of scientific works and existing problems. Emphasizing that doctoral students and dissertators candidates bear great responsibility in this aspect, Rector M. Babanli answered questions of interest to the participants.
