

News 05 Oct 2021
UFAZ held its 9th Meeting of Steering Committee

The ninth meeting of the Steering Committee of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) took place on October 4.

The main members of the Steering Committee, the rector of ASOIU, Prof. Mustafa Babanli, President of the University of Strasbourg Michel Deneken, French Ambassador to Azerbaijan Zakari Gross, the Deputy Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mukhtar Mammadov participated in the meeting.

Vice President of the Department of International Relations and Research at the University of Strasbourg, Prof. Philip Turek, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg and UFAZ Coordinator, Jean-Marc Planeix, UFAZ Scientific Expert and Professor of Computer Science at the University of Strasbourg Pierre Collet and UFAZ Project Developer Florent Baulieu represented the French side in the meeting.

The meeting was also attended by Mr. Jerome Kelle, Counselor of Cooperation and Cultural Action at Embassy of France to Azerbaijan, Vazeh Asgarov, Executive Director of UFAZ, Elizaveta Bydanova, Secretary-General of UFAZ, and Latifa Nasibova, Head of the Education Department.

The committee discussed the softening of pandemics-related restrictions and the start of the teaching year in 2021-2022, the organization of classes, as well as the assessment of UFAZ's production experience. The meeting also focused on the completion of a bachelor's degree at UFAZ in 2021 and the latest statistical study of the first year of the master's degree.

The UFAZ Steering Committee meets twice a year in Baku and Strasbourg to discuss all strategic and operational issues of UFAZ. It is the highest governing body of UFAZ to consider and regulate issues related to UFAZ.
