

News 18 Oct 2021
Hungarian education representatives visit ASOIU

On October 15, a delegation from the universities of Pecs and Miskolc in Hungary visited the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) as part of the Erasmus + exchange program.

At the meeting organized by the International Cooperation Office of ASOIU, Deputy Vice-Rector for International Relations Ulviya Abbasova greeted the guests at the university and spoke about the university's international cooperation.

The meeting focused on current and future cooperation, joint projects, and possible cooperation opportunities.

Mihay Gruber, Diplomat for cultural and educational relations of the Hungarian Embassy in Azerbaijan, said that there were many prospects for cooperation with Hungarian universities.

Krisztina Sandor, Director of International Relations Office at the University of Miskolc, and Gabor Jezeh, International Relations Coordinator at the University of Pecs, spoke about the importance of inter-university cooperation and expressed interest in collaboration in teacher-student exchange and dual degree programs.
