

News 18 Oct 2021
Rector of ASOIU attends an international conference in Moscow

Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli, spoke at the First Russian Open International Conference on Sustainable Development and ESG Transformation held at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). Rector of ASOIU M. Babanli, who participated in the conference at the invitation of the Rector of MGIMO, Academician A.V. Torkunov, made a presentation in the section “Science and Education in Sustainable Development” and spoke about the peculiarities of the development of science and education in the face of the challenges of our time.

The conference included sessions on “Sustainable Development and ESG Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities for Business”, “Green Transition, or the New Phase of Trade Wars: The Roles of Green Diplomacy”, and others. The discussions were attended by the Special Representative of the Russian President for Relations with International Organizations to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals A. Chubais, governors of several regions of the Russian Federation, government officials of several countries, leading experts in sustainable development and ESG. The central theme of the two-day conference was the idea that climate challenges are a significant risk factor for human survival in the 21st century.

ASOIU Rector Professor M. Babanli took part in several multilateral and bilateral dialogue platforms and partner scientific and educational institutions events held within the conference framework.
