

News 19 Oct 2021
AzII e-Book House restores 24/7 mode

At the request of ASOIU students, the AzII e-Book House will be open 24/7 from October 20. According to the results of an opinion poll conducted among ASOIU students, 94.6% of those surveyed said they wanted the AzII e-Book House to resume operations 24/7.

Students requesting to come to the night shift must first go through the electronic registration of the AzII e-Book House and get a username and password. They must enter the page of the Book House with the given passwords, register in the "Readers' booking" section, order their seats and the book or other material they need one day in advance. Those interested can come to the registration office of the library, register electronically and get answers to their questions.

All students using the library on the night shift will be provided with complete meals.
