

News 19 Oct 2021
A memorial complex of the martyred graduate of ASOIU has been opened in Sahil settlement

On October 19, the opening ceremony of the memorial complex named after Teymur Rasulov, a graduate of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) who became a martyr in the Patriotic war, was held in kindergarten No. 301, located in Sahil settlement, Garadagh district. Family members of our martyr, comrades-in-arms, ASOIU’s employees and representatives of the district executive power and other public members attended the opening ceremony of the memorial complex, which also includes photos of T.Rasulov and other martyrs.

Family members shared their memories, and participants were informed about his fighting career. Notably, that Teymur Rasulov graduated from the Energy Faculty of AzII. Like our other heroic sons, when the war broke out, he went to the front voluntarily. He took an active part in the battles for Jabrayil, Fuzuli and Khojavend. For services to the Motherland, by order of the head of state, he was posthumously awarded medals “For the Motherland”, “For the liberation of Khojavend”, and “For the liberation of Fizuli.”
