

News 27 Oct 2021
ASOIU holds the next meeting of Academic Board

The next meeting of the Academic Board of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held on October 27 in the traditional form. Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, having informed the council members about the issues on the agenda, congratulated the Dean of the Faculty of Geology, Associate Professor Named Pashayev, on his 60th anniversary and wished him success.
Then, according to the plan, the ASOIU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, provided information on the statistics of groups and students of different faculties and courses, which entirely or partially switched to online mode in connection with the pandemic Covid-19. Rector Mustafa Babanli spoke about the preventive work carried out at the university in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the decisions of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers and the recommendation of the Ministry of Education, urgent measures are taken to ensure the safety of students and teachers in the event of detection of COVID-19 infection. He also noted that there were no problems with the vaccination of university staff and students.
Speaking about the organization of quality education in the new academic year, Rector Mustafa Babanli commented on the main areas of activity, elimination of shortcomings in this area, the main targets for the current academic year, as well as the preparation of research plans for the next five years and other important issues. According to the agenda, information was provided on implementing the planned teaching load for the 2020-2021 academic year, the teaching staff, and the assistants' workload for the 2021-2022 academic year. Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, made a presentation on the activities of dissertation councils. The meeting also heard the annual report of the Dean of the Faculty of Geology, Associate Professor Named Pashayev, on the activities of the faculty. The members of the Academic Board discussed all issues on the agenda, and unanimous decisions were made. In particular, it was decided to create a commission to analyze the state of educational laboratories and the content of laboratory work.
