

News 29 Oct 2021
ASOIU's twelve teachers, selected by BP and the British Council, are awarded certificates

On October 29th, 12 selected teachers were awarded BP and British Council certifications for self-teaching practical English and its methodology at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Speaking at a meeting with the department of “Foreign Languages” teachers, Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli, noting the importance of increasing English proficiency to improve the quality of higher education and acquaintance with international experience, spoke about the existing shortcomings and problems. Emphasizing the importance of developing the language skills of the teaching staff, Rector Babanli highly appreciated the selection of 12 ASOIU teachers by the British Council as experts and said that he expects even better results.

At the end, 12 teachers were awarded certificates.

Notably, since 2019, according to a joint project of ASOIU, BP and the British Council, in ASOIU has been providing intensive training in English for 90 teachers and 200 students. Upon completing the training, 12 ASOIU teachers were selected by the “British Council” as experts.
