

News 01 Nov 2021
ASOIU holds a working meeting within the CyberEdu project

On November 1st, a working meeting was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) within the framework of the CyberEdu project implemented and funded by the Swedish Institute, in which ASOIU's a member.

The event was attended by the project coordinator Gacek Gaevsky, the International Cooperation Office representatives, the Department of Computer Science, and an advisor to the ASOIU's Rector on IT and technology, Rasim Abdullaev.

During the meeting, the project coordinator Gacek Gajewski informed the participants about the implementation of the project and the following joint projects. There was also a discussion of the current situation.

Notably that the CyberEdu project provides for the creation of specializations in cybersecurity at partner universities.
