

News 01 Nov 2021
The 70th Scientific-Technical Conference of Students has started at ASOIU

On November 1st, the 70th Student Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to November 8th - Victory Day started at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The opening ceremony was attended by the rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the academic staff and students of the university.

Opening the conference that began with the State Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ASOIU’s Rector Professor M. Babanli spoke about the importance of the event, noting that this year’s conference is dedicated to an important event in the history of Azerbaijan - Victory Day. Then they honoured the memory of the martyrs who gave us this victory with a minute of silence. Rector Professor M. Babanli said that special attention was paid to attracting students to scientific research, noting that masters bear a great responsibility at this year’s conference. In this regard, Rector M. Babanli, stating that in the assessment, special attention will be paid to the work of masters, wished all students success at the conference.

Head of the Department of Humanities, Professor Jamal Mustafayev, spoke about the factors and historical realities that led to Victory Day and wished the conference success.

The Chairman of the Council of Student Scientific Societies of ASOIU, Elviz Ismailov, announced the date of the conference’s panel sessions. He said that out of 542 theses accepted in 9 sections this year, 316 theses (70 bachelors, 246 masters) were accepted to the conference due to a double-check, a technical check and plagiarism.

Notably that the closing ceremony of the 70th Student Scientific and Technical Conference, dedicated to November 8th - Victory Day, will be held on November 5th.
