

News 02 Nov 2021
A memorial plaque to the martyr of ASOIU is opened

November 2nd, the day of memory of Ogtay Agabekov, a graduate of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) (2010, Faculty of Power Engineering), a martyr of the Patriotic War, was held in the Khatai district of Baku. On the remembrance day, a memorial plaque was also opened in front of the house where the martyr lived.

The ceremony was attended by family members and relatives of the martyr, public figures ASOIU’s Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev and several university employees. Family members shared their memories and spoke about our martyr’s patriotism, devotion, and fighting career. It was noted that, like our other heroic sons, he went to the front voluntarily when the war broke out. He made personal sacrifices in the battles for Agdara, Khojavend and Fizuli and died heroically in the battles for the liberation of Fizuli. Fighting comrades talking about Ogtay’s bravery stressed his dedication on the battlefield. By order of the President, Agabekov was posthumously awarded medals “For the Motherland” and “For the Liberation of Khojavend”.
