

News 12 Nov 2021
A meeting is held with ASOIU students within the 44 Day Heroes project

November 11th at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) within the framework of the 44 Day Heroes project, by the support of the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the joint organization of the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations’ Union (ASYOU) and the Great Return’ Youth Organization, a meeting with students, was held.

During the meeting, a wreath was laid in front of the Complex in memory of the martyred graduates of ASOIU. At the beginning of the event, the memory of the martyrs was honoured with a minute of silence, and then the State Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played. The ASOIU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, Deputy Executive Director of the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan Gadir Khalilov, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations’ Union Parviz Miralamli and Executive Director of the Great Return Youth Organization Nail Shukurov took part in the event. In their speeches, they emphasized the importance of the awareness meetings dedicated to the Patriotic War. They stressed the relevance of the acquaintance of our heroes who won the most significant victory in the history of our independence under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev with a growing generation.

After the speeches, there was a video showing the 44-day glorious path to victory. During the event, Head of the Sector of Work with Members and Clubs of the ASYOU Ordukhan Gahramanzade, made a presentation of the magazine “Azerbaijani youth in the Patriotic War”, created with the support of the Youth Foundation, and the representative of the Great Return” Youth Organization Elshan Gahramanov spoke about the website https://shehidimiz.az/.

Akhliyat Mehdiyev, the member of the board of the organization The Great Return’, participant of many special operations and the April battles, a veteran of the Karabakh war, a senior lieutenant in the reserve of the Special Forces, spoke about how our victorious army under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev put an end to the 30-year occupation and restored our territorial integrity.

The event guests, veterans of the Patriotic War - Javid Hasanov, Huseynali Huseynaliev and Kamal Abassov, shared their memories of the 44-day Patriotic War. They talked about a strong state, military strategy created under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, and the unity of the army and people. The military noted that our brave sons demonstrated high professionalism in the war, ensured our country’s territorial integrity, and we are proud of their eternal victory.

During the speeches, it was noted that ASOIU graduates also demonstrated dedication in the Patriotic War, and therefore our veterans expressed their gratitude to the university staff.
Further, the invited military responded to the students’ questions and spoke in detail about the past combat path. The Special Forces veterans stressed that the main reason for their success in battles was the far-sighted strategy of the Supreme Commander, the cohesion and inspiration of our soldiers and officers.

At the end, on behalf of the students of the university hosting the meeting, ASOIU student Rufat Rustamov spoke about the 44-day Patriotic War, our eternal victory and the dedication of Azerbaijani youth in the information war.

It should be noted that within the framework of the project, our young veterans who fought in the Patriotic War continue to meet with students from universities in the capital and regions.
