

News 16 Nov 2021
Student ID cards and Diploma of the University of Strasbourg presented to UFAZ students

On November 15, 2021, first-year students and 2021 graduates of Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) were distributed student ID cards and diplomas of Strasbourg University, respectively, during the annually organized event.

Ambassador of France to Azerbaijan, HE Zacharie Gross, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), professor Mustafa Babanli, and UFAZ scientific expert and Head of Research Department, professor Philippe Turek attended the event.

The event started with the participation of French Ambassador Zacharie Gross and ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli in the opening ceremony of a special room allocated for the UFAZ Student Council. The guests met with representatives of UFAZ Student Clubs and were provided with information about student clubs and their activities.

Opening the event, UFAZ Secretary-General Elizaveta Bydanova welcomed the guests and noted that in the 2021-2022 academic year, UFAZ admitted 140 students in 4 specialities. She stressed the significance of cooperation between Unistra and ASOIU. She also noted that UFAZ graduates have extensive experience, hence they have more opportunities in the labour market, and are recruited by local and foreign companies in many industries.

Prof. Babanli stressed that everyone, particularly the graduates of UFAZ, must work to better serve Azerbaijan in every sector. “Independent Azerbaijan relies on the young generation,” says Mr Babanli. Reminding those who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in the recent war with Armenia, he compared the graduates with the martyrs and emphasized that “just like they served in the military, you will serve our country in your own field”. Finally, he expressed that he has great confidence in the UFAZ Project and wished the graduates success in their life.

“UFAZ is a very important project for both Azerbaijan and France”, Ambassador Gross Zacharie mentioned that the graduates will be representing not only UFAZ but also the France-Azerbaijan partnership and its achievements. “I congratulate you all for successfully graduating. I wish you all many achievements in your academic and personal life”, the Ambassador concluded.

In his speech, Prof. Philippe Turek informed students about the benefits of student cards at the University of Strasbourg.

Later, students with high academic performances in the entrance exams were awarded certificates and student cards. During the event 2021 alumni also received their diplomas from the University of Strasbourg.

At the end, UFAZ freshmen demonstrated their talents through musical performances.
