

News 20 Nov 2021
ASOIU students take part in the tree-planting campaign within the Green Marathon campaign

On November 20th, students of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) took part in another large-scale tree-planting campaign in the Baku villages of Khojahasan and Mushvigabad part of the Green Marathon campaign organized by the IDEA Public Association and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.
More than 2000 trees of different species, adapted to the climate of the Absheron Peninsula, were planted during a tree planting campaign with the participation of officials from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Education, the State Customs Committee, the State Migration Service, representatives of higher educational institutions, volunteers and students of the Union of Volunteer Organizations of Azerbaijan.

More than 100 international students from 17 universities in 48 countries of the world took part in the event to improve the environmental situation and increase greening. Dean's office staff for work with foreign students of ASOIU Tofik Muradkhanov, Emil Abdurakhmanov, students enrolled in the "Grand program for citizens of countries the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation" - Saniya Norzad (Afghanistan), Hamza Najer (Algeria), Batsaikhan Munhnaran (Mongolia), students of the Intergovernmental Scholarship Program (ISP) Turehan Yimaer, Xue Yang, Zhao Xue, Yang Geng took part in the campaign. 
