

News 22 Nov 2021
The presentation of the book of poems and memoirs of the ASOIU’s graduate-martyr "Gözləyin, dağlar, gəlirəm" takes place

On November 22, Azİİ e-Book House hosted a presentation of the book “Gözləyin dağlar gəlirəm”, consisting of poems and memories of Shahgunduz Jabbarov, the martyr of the Patriotic War, a graduate of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The event was attended by the Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, parents, family members, teachers and fellow students of our martyr Shahgunduz Jabbarov. The book, written by the father of our martyr Gabil Jabbarov, contains poems written by Sh. Jabbarov, as well as by his father, memoirs of his friends and relatives.

After watching a film about the martyr Sh. Jabbarov, Rector Mustafa Babanli spoke about the historical victory of our army in the Patriotic War, about the courage shown by our heroic sons in restoring the territorial integrity of our lands. He noted that the memory of our martyrs will be kept forever and will become our sacred oath. The Rector said that the university would try to make all the unfulfilled dreams of martyrs, graduates of ASOIU, come true so that their souls rest in peace.

The Director of Azİİ e-Book House, Salahat Mahmudova, spoke about the “Gözləyin dağlar gəlirəm” book’s publication that contains poems and memories of our martyr. Dean of the ASOIU Faculty of Oil and Gas Production, Associate Professor Elman Iskandarov, Professor of the same Faculty Ibragim Habibov and other speakers spoke about the courage of our martyr and shared their warm memories.

The father of our martyr Habil Jabbarov and brother Nemat Jabbarov thanked the university’s administration for their attention and holding such an event. They said they were proud of Shahgunduz, who gave his life for the Motherland, both in his life and now.

Note that a graduate of the ASOIU Faculty of Oil and Gas Production, Sh. Jabbarov worked in SOCAR after graduation. When the war began, he, like our other brave sons, volunteered for the front. Since October 1, 2020, he took part in hostilities and fought for the liberation of Fizuli, Jabrayil, Zangilan, Gubadli and Khojavend. He died heroically on October 25, 2020, in bloody battles in the direction of Fizuli. After his death, for his courage in restoring the territorial integrity of the Motherland, by order of the President, he was awarded the medals “For the Motherland”, “Brave Warrior”, “For the Liberation of Jebrail”, “For the Liberation of Fizuli” and “For the Liberation of Khojavend”.
