

News 27 Nov 2021
ASOIU startup team has made a working visit to Slovenia

On November 15-19, 13 representatives of the Azerbaijani startup ecosystem visited the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, on a working visit with the cooperation of the Innovation Agency and UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

Startup HealWith Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) also participated in the exchange program “Support for the development of digital education infrastructure and innovation ecosystem in Azerbaijan”.

As part of the exchange program, the delegation took internships in well-known Slovenian technoparks and enterprises. Thus, extensive information was provided about the financial support provided by the Agency” Slovenia Enterprise Fund” and” Spirit” to local startups and small and medium businesses. An extensive presentation session of Azerbaijani startups was held in the prestigious” Sezana” and ‘LU’’ Incubator Centers and the ‘Primorska’ Technology Park.

LU Incubator Center told Azerbaijani startups about the fundamental problems arising from the international experience and detailed information on the mechanisms for entering European markets. The exchange program has played an essential role in developing the Slovenian ecosystem of innovations and startups, the existing capabilities of technology parks, the formation of a detailed understanding of the success stories of residents and the expansion of bilateral relations.
