

News 29 Nov 2021
Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan visits ASOIU

On November 29, Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey to Azerbaijan Jahit Bagchi.

At the meeting, which was also attended by MP Malahat Ibrahimgizi and ASOIU Vice-Rectors, Rector Mustafa Babanli said that relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan in all spheres, including education, were also observed, are at a very high level. Having informed the ambassador about education and teaching, about innovations in education at ASOIU, the Rector said they intend to develop relations with Turkey's technical universities. In particular, they discussed student and teacher exchange issues between the two countries, joint research, implementation of exchange programs, and other prospects. They also exchanged views on establishing trilateral cooperation with the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, ASOIU and one of the leading technical universities in Turkey and signing a memorandum in the future.

During the meeting based on sincere discussions, Rector Mustafa Babanli informed the ambassador about the opening of auditoriums named after two Turkish martyrs at ASOIU. It was noted that the auditorium is already ready, and the opening ceremony will be held soon when photographs and complete information about the Turkish martyrs will be received.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey to Azerbaijan Jahit Bagchi expressed his satisfaction with being in ASOIU. He noted that the embassy would do everything possible to further develop cooperation in the field of education. He stressed the importance of the issues discussed at the meeting for collaboration and the realization of prospects.

The ambassador highly appreciated the creation of auditoriums named after Turkish martyrs and thanked the Rector Mustafa Babanli for such an initiative.

The meeting was concluded with a tour of the auditoriums named after Turkish martyrs, a visit to Azİİ e-Book House, and familiarization with the literary base and conditions created for students.
