

News 01 Dec 2021
MIA employees meet with ASOIU students

November 30th, Major General Rafik Abbasov, head of the Main Personnel Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), and Ministry's IT specialists met with students of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The purpose of the meeting was to select university students in technical specialities to work in information technology in the Ministry.

After the ASOIU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov had informed about the purpose of the meeting, the head of the Main Personnel Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), Rafik Abbasov noting that the police service is very an honourable profession, said that such a meeting of the Ministry with students is being held for the first time. He said that after the Ministry's IT specialists select the best students, they will be invited to work.

The students, selected according to the appropriate parameters after an initial short-term internship, will be provided with a permanent job in the Ministry's relevant IT field.

In their speeches, the Ministry's IT specialists familiarized the students with the information systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, talked about cybersecurity, cybercrime, ways to prevent it, and the rules for using big data and other modern technological tools.

Then, answering students' questions about IT, the specialists said they would conduct a selection stage in the Ministry between students who want to work in the relevant field.
