

News 01 Dec 2021
UFAZ organizes 1st Scientific Conference

On November 30 – December 1, French-Azerbaijani University organized its first joint conference online under its two prestigious partner universities, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and the University of Strasbourg (Unistra). UFAZ Director Vazeh Asgarov and Secretary-General Elizaveta Bydanova greeted the guests and wished them success.

Mr. Nijat Mammadli, Head of Science, Higher and Secondary Education Department of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, HE Zacharie Gross, Ambassador of France to Azerbaijan, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector of ASOIU, Michel Deneken, President of the Unistra, Latafat Gardashova, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Philippe Turek, Head of the UFAZ Research Department, attended the online opening session and highlighted the importance of the conference and its role in the development of scientific relations between the two countries.

The primary guest of the opening session, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, from the University of Strasbourg, delivered a lecture on “Steps toward Life: Chemistry!” and underlined the role of chemistry in the evolution of the universe.

The conference program will consist of three parallel sessions over two half-days, covering the teaching and research areas of UFAZ, namely chemistry, including process engineering and analytical chemistry, earth sciences, and computer science. 30 junior and senior researchers from the three organizing institutions delivered lectures in the mentioned fields. Overall, about 200 students, young scientists and professors participated in the conference.

On November 30, young scientists also participated in the scientific poster session. On December 1, representatives of various companies attended the “University – Industrial Partnership for Research and Innovation – the solutions: how to work together?”. This part involved discussion on multiple forms of partnership possibilities.

The event was organized with the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, the University of Strasbourg, and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

For more information about the scientific lectures and posters presented at the conference, please visit: https://conference.ufaz.az portal and our social network page https://www.facebook.com/ufaz.university.
