

News 03 Dec 2021
ASOIU students takе classes at a manufacturing enterprise

On December 2, two groups of students (327.18 and 329.18) of the Chemical Technology Faculty of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) took classes on the subject "Technology of processing compositions based on high-molecular compounds" at a manufacturing enterprise.

The classes, organized by the head of the Department of Technology of Organic Substances and High-Molecular Compounds, Professor Fariz Amirov, were held at Nur Kauchuk LLC, located in the Khirdalan settlement Baku.

Lessons at the plant producing rubber products and various types of caoutchouc were conducted by the head of the department, Professor Fariz Amirov, associate professor Irada Abdullayeva, head of the laboratory Zahida Aliyeva, according to the syllabus. Several more employees of the department took part in the educational process.

The students with great interest met the lessons, which lasted 2 hours. Satisfied with the practical training at the enterprise, the fourth-year students noted that, although they received theoretical knowledge at the university, such practical training is of particular interest to them. They watched the mechanisms of machines, studied equipment, and listened to the teachers' explanations. At the end, the teachers and employees of the plant answered the questions of interest to the students.
