

News 14 Dec 2021
New prospects of cooperation are discussed with the Rector of Karabuk University at ASOIU

On December 14, the Rector of the Karabuk University, Professor Refik Polat and the vice-rectors met with the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli, members of the Azerbaijan-Turkey working group on inter-parliamentary relations and with deputies Malahat Ibrahimgizi and Nasib Makhamaliyev.

At the meeting at ASOIU, Rector Mustafa Babanli spoke about extending education by international requirements and the training of qualified engineers. Also, he emphasized the experience of the brotherly country in this matter. Rector expressed confidence that cooperation with the Karabuk University, the introduction of double degree programs, the exchange of teachers and students will give positive results in the future. The Rector of the Turkish Karabuk University, Professor Refik Polat, said he was glad to be in ASOIU and noted that new cooperation would open up new opportunities.

MPs Malakhat Ibrahimgizi and Nasib Makhamaliyev spoke about the historical ties between Azerbaijan and Turkey, stressing the importance of close cooperation between the two countries both in the socio-economic, political and cultural spheres and in the field of education. Noting that there will always be a demand for highly qualified personnel trained by ASOIU and Karabuk University, the deputies wished success to the universities in their upcoming work.
