

News 14 Dec 2021
Karabuk University and ASOIU sign a cooperation agreement

On December 14, the Turkish Karabuk University and the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) signed a double degree program agreement.

The documents were signed by the Rector of the Karabuk University of Turkey, Professor Refik Polat and the Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli.

The meeting with the Rector of the Turkish Karabuk University, Professor Refik Polat and the accompanying delegation was attended by the Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, vice-rectors, academic staff of the university.

First, Professor Refik Polat informed the participants of the event about the Karabuk University. Having made a video presentation, he spoke about the university he represents, the successes achieved quickly, scientific achievements, material and technical capabilities, and cooperation with various universities globally. It was noted that the main factor in the success of Karabuk University, which has been acting as a higher educational institution for only 14 years, is a high level of scientific achievements.

Rector Mustafa Babanli, thanking the guests for accepting the proposal and visiting ASOIU, said that cooperation with such a university would open up new prospects for both universities, especially for ASOIU.

After the rectors' speeches, documents were signed. According to the agreement between the two universities, it is planned to introduce a double degree program in 7 specialities at the undergraduate level. The choice of speciality considers the factors that can be obtained by both universities in the framework of cooperation. Initially, the project will be launched with five student exchanges. At the same time, the cooperation agreement reflects the implementation of new projects and programs within the framework of the Erasmus program.

Rector of Karabuk University, Professor Refik Polat, said that he is pleased to be at ASOIU. He noted that signing a new cooperation agreement would open up new opportunities for both universities.

In conclusion, both universities' rectors answered the ASOIU academic staff's questions about the upcoming work within the new cooperation framework.
