

News 16 Dec 2021
ASOIU students take practical classes at a manufacturing enterprise

2nd and 3rd-year undergraduate students of the speciality "Oil and Gas Equipment Engineering" and "Logistics and Transportation Technology Engineering" of the department "Oil and gas transportation and storage" of The Faculty of Oil and Gas Production of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) took classes at a production enterprise. In November 2021to consolidate students' theoretical knowledge and familiarize themselves with experimental work, classes were held at SOCAR Absheronneft OGPD, OGPD Bibikheybatneft, OGPD named after H.Z. Taghiyev and the Garadagh underground gas storage facility.

During the practical lesson, the students got acquainted with the processes occurring during the experimental work. The specialists answered the questions of interest to the students.
