

News 16 Dec 2021
ASOIU professors have been awarded the medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Professors of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) - Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology Mamedkhanova Sevinj Abdulhamid and Aghahuseynova Minira Mammadali were awarded medals of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

ASOIU professors S. Mamedkhanova and M. Aghahuseynova were awarded the V.I. Vernadsky Medal by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Presidium on November 15, 2021, for their achievements in science.

Note that S. Mamedkhanova was awarded for the book “Получение моторных топлив на основе альтернативного сырья” and M. Aghahuseynova for “Modern general chemistry”.
