

News 19 Dec 2021
Rector of Istanbul Kent University visits ASOIU

On December 18, a delegation led by the Rector of Istanbul Kent University, Professor Necmettin Atsu, visited the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Welcoming the guests, the Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, spoke about the university's history, development pat, and its contribution to the training of engineers in the country. Rector M. Babanli said about modern specialities at ASOIU, noting that the university trains personnel in artificial intelligence, nanomaterials, food engineering and others.

The Rector of Istanbul Kent University, Professor Necmettin Atsu, said that the young university he represents specializes in medicine and is currently considering teaching new specialities based on the synthesis of engineering and medicine. He noted that the rich experience of ASOIU in engineering training attracted the attention of Istanbul Kent University. Professor N. Atsu expressed interest in joint training and student exchange programs between Istanbul Kent University and ASOIU and the exchange of teachers.

Rector of ASOIU, Professor M. Babanli, noted that the university is always ready for fruitful cooperation, joint activities in research, application of innovations, and exchange of students and teachers. Both rectors agreed to work together to identify specific areas of collaboration between universities. After the meeting, the Rector of ASOIU, Professor M. Babanli, introduced the Turkish delegation to the AZII E-Book House and the HPC Center.
