

News 19 Dec 2021
Within the framework of the AZCLOUD ScaleUp program, a meeting with ASOIU students is held

Within the framework of the AZCLOUD ScaleUp program, AzInTelecom LLC at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a meeting with the students with the participation of the “Eazi START” Startup centre. Along with the startup participants, the meeting was attended by the Eazi Start Startup centre coordinator Elviz Ismayilov, the advisor to the rector for information technology and innovation, Rasim Abdullaev and university students.

Speaking at the event, the representative of AzInTelecom Nigar Ibrahimova, informed the participants about the AZCLOUD ScaleUp program. It was noted that the program allows startup participants to use AZCLOUD cloud services for free. At the same time, participants in startups in such areas as “Ağıllı ölkə”, “AgroTech”, “EdTech”, “GreenTech”, “MedTech”, “GameTech” and “E-commerce” can receive up to 5,000 manats, the opportunity to participate in training and PR support.

It was noted that the goal of the AZCLOUD ScaleUp program, implemented in partnership with startups and acceleration centres, is to develop a startup ecosystem in the country and support successful startups at the incubation stage.

Then the head of the marketing department of AzInTelecom, Farrukh Farajullayev, conducted the training “Software: from 0 to MVP”. Illustrative examples were shown during the training on the AZCLOUD portal.
