

News 22 Dec 2021
ASOIU is number one in Azerbaijan in the field of research and computer science - SCImago Institutions Rankings

According to a survey conducted by the prestigious Spanish global rating organisation SCImago Institutions Rankings for 2021, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) ranks first among Azerbaijani universities in the field of research and 459 among Eastern European countries. The list includes various universities from all over the world and three universities from Azerbaijan - Baku State University, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, and Azerbaijan Medical University.

When ranking a university in the indexing systems of regional and global scientific bases at the national, regional and international levels, the indexing of scientific articles, journals, patents and other publications of university scientists in such scientific databases as Scopus and Web of Science is taken as a basis. In addition, the rankings of universities are determined, taking into account research work, human resources, the number of foreign and local students, scientific literature, library database and other important nuances.

The list of university rankings SCImago Institutions Rankings has been compiled, considering these parameters. The organisation has compiled a new list of universities for 2021 based on articles and links in the international scientific database "Scopus". According to the ranking, in general directions, ASOIU takes 855th place among the universities in the world and second place in Azerbaijan:


Note that the first place was taken by the Baku State University, and the third - by the Medical University. It should be noted that although ASOIU is in second place in the list, it does not lag behind the university above in terms of the number of teachers and the proportion of articles published in the international scientific database "Scopus". The university ranks second in terms of the total number of articles.

According to the organisation's research, in the scientific field, ASOIU ranks second among the Azerbaijani universities and 855 among the countries of Eastern Europe. In the field of research, it takes first place and, accordingly, 459:


In addition, in the field of computer science, ASOIU ranks first and, accordingly, 686th place:


The SCImago Institutions Rankings ranks universities and research centres according to their research performance, contribution to innovation, and Web interface. One of the main conditions for inclusion in the rating is the publication of at least 100 scientific articles in scientific journals included in the SCOPUS database for the last year.
