

News 22 Dec 2021
The academic staff of the ASOIU Oil Mechanical Engineering Faculty visit the SPM Oil & Gas, A Caterpillar Company

A meeting was held between the academic staff of the Oil Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and the SPM Oil & Gas, A Caterpillar Company.

The meeting was attended by the Dean of the Oil Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Associate Professor Ali Khikmet Akhmedov, Deputy Dean for scientific affairs, associate professor Tahir Suleymanov, Head of the Department of Industrial Machines, Associate Professor Jamaladdin Aslanov, Head of the Department of Materials science and processing technologies, Associate Professor Tair Jabbarov, Associate Professor of the Department of "Mechanical Engineering" Fariz Gafarov, General Manager SPM Oil & Gas, A Caterpillar Company Elnur Gulamov, Head of the Production Department Ali Hasanov and HR Specialist Gulnar Ibragimova.

Dean of the Oil Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Associate Professor Ali Khikmet Akhmedov, informing about the large-scale reforms being carried out at ASOIU, spoke about the steps taken to improve the quality of education at the university, research, teaching in English, about International Cooperation, the Laser Center, exchange programs and new projects.

Elnur Gulamov, General Director of SPM Oil & Gas, A Caterpillar Company, has described the company's activities, structure, projects, and services and expressed interest in developing relations with the university.

During the meeting, issues of implementing joint research projects, technology transfer, lecturing on technical specialities by the company's specialists, student participation in summer practice programs, and providing students with internship opportunities were discussed.

At the end of the meeting, it was decided to create a working group with the participation of both parties to implement the above issues and continue the discussions.
