

News 23 Dec 2021
82 companies attended ASOIU's 11th Alumni-Career Exhibition

On December 23, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held the 11th Alumni-Career Exhibition. In connection with the unfinished coronavirus pandemic, the exhibition was held online. 82 government agencies and private companies presented 234 vacancies and 270 internships at the exhibition.

Making a speech at the exhibition, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, expressed his gratitude to the state and company representatives. He noted that the Alumni-Career Exhibitions, traditionally held at ASOIU, are an essential platform for direct communication between young specialists and company representatives.

Rector Mustafa Babanli noted that the employment of our students and graduates has always been in the spotlight stressed the importance of training qualified and educated specialists by existing requirements and cooperation with industrial enterprises. Speaking at the exhibition, Chairman of the Board of the State Employment Agency Mustafa Abbasbeyli talked about the attention and care given to young people in Azerbaijan. He noted that the organization of such exhibitions and cooperation with students and universities is one of the labour market requirements. The agency's representative added that the main goal is to prepare highly qualified specialists and provide them with work by their specialities and the labour market.

Then the director of the Department of Public Relations and Marketing of the University, Bahruz Nazarov, presented the website "career.asoiu.edu.az".He noted that those who wish could go to the site and familiarise themselves with the vacancies provided by public and private companies, choose a suitable one and send their resume.

Representatives of other public and private companies also told about the importance of the exhibition and the prospects for cooperation, provided information about vacancies and internships.
