

News 25 Dec 2021
An educational event dedicated to mine action is held with ASOIU students

On December 24, an educational event dedicated to the problems of mines in Azerbaijan was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The meeting with the university students was attended by the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Public Union for Anti Mine Campaign, Hafiz Safikhanov, the Chairman of "Assistance in Solving the Socio-Economic Problems of Mine Victims" Public Union Mammadhasan Hasanov and the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Ata Babayev.

Welcoming the guests and students on behalf of the ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Associate Professor Ata Babayev spoke about the purpose of the meeting, that such educational events are essential for youth and all citizens. After a minute of silence in memory of our heroic sons who died in the 44-day Patriotic War, Hafiz Safikhanov and Mammadhasan Hasanov spoke about the first Karabakh war and the second Karabakh war, which ended with the historic victory of the Azerbaijani army. It was noted that during both wars, the Armenian occupants planted many mines and unexploded ordnance in the territory of Azerbaijan. Although the war is over, the enemy continues provocations and harms Azerbaijan's civilian population and Military personnel.

Demonstrating the country's mined areas in a video presentation, H. Safikhanov noted that our army suppresses all enemy provocations. However, the figures show that our citizens have suffered the most from mines among the neighbouring countries. He said that the primary purpose of such events is to familiarize young people with the facts, inform them about the fight against mines.

In conclusion, the guests answered the students' questions.
