

News 27 Dec 2021
AzII e-Book House holds the presentation of the book "Bibliographic Index"

On December 27, Azİİ e-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a presentation of the Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Nariman Babayev "Bibliographic Index" from the cycle of famous geologists of Azerbaijan. The book is devoted to the life and scientific and pedagogical activities of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor-Consultant of the Department of Oil and gas geology Nariman Ibadulla Babayev.

The index, developed by Azİİ e-Book House, consists of 238 pages in Azerbaijani and English. The book widely reflects the textbooks, monographs, scientific articles, scientific and technical reports, articles published in periodicals, works, and awards issued by the author. At the same time, the new edition includes the words of Nariman Babayev's colleagues, a bibliographic list of his works, scientific articles and theses.

ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, Dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration, Associate Professor Named Pashayev, Director of Azİİ e-Book House Salahat Makhmudova, Head of the Department of Oil and gas geology, Associate Professor Khuraman Mukhtarova, Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and gas geology Islam Tagiyev and others spoke about the life and work of the author. They noted that readers highly appreciate such publications. Author Nariman Babayev shared his experience with the participants, spoke about the book's release, and thanked everyone who contributed to the book's publication.

In conclusion, S. Makhmudova informed the participants about the book's inclusion, mainly for geologists and geochemists, specialists, university students, in the electronic catalogue and electronic database Azİİ e-Book House for the public, and noted that several copies of the printed edition were received by library base.
