

News 28 Dec 2021
ASOIU students participate the internship "Academy of Logistics"

The 166 Cargo and Logistics company, which attracted attention in recent years with modern management methods, held the closing event following the internship program "Academy of Logistics". The event was attended by the heads of the country's leading universities and honour guests.

The internship program implemented for the three years was attended by fourth-year students, graduates and masters of several universities. The participants acquired practical and theoretical knowledge and skills in various company departments within three months.

The corresponding certificates were awarded to those who successfully completed the program. Also, young people got the opportunity to get a job in the 166 Cargo and Logistics company.

About 15 students and graduates of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) took part in the "Academy of Logistics" internship program for three years.

In total, more than 4,200 applications were registered for the "Academy of Logistics" internship program, which has been running since 2019. The Academy admitted 153 people who have successfully passed all stages of these applications, and most of them are currently working in various departments of 166 Cargo and Logistics.
