

News 06 Jan 2022
AzII e-Book House has opened access to the database "Polpred.com" for readers for 2022

Since 2019, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) has been subscribing to the search database "Polpred com" of the Russian Federation in the field of "Oil, gas, coal in Russian Federation and abroad". For 2022, a subscription to the Polpred.com search database was also received, and currently, there is access to the electronic resources of the database. More than 6,300 registered readers of the AzII E-Book House and the ASOIU's academic staff have the right to use the database and its resources. Those wishing to use the resources must first register electronically with AzII E-Book House. Access will be open both at the university and at home.

Those wishing to enter the system from home by opening the database using the link published on the AzII E-Book House page (Polpred.com) and clicking on the "Login from home" button will be able to use the resources of the database.

It should be noted that the Polpred.com search database is the largest in the Russian Federation. The database contains articles and other materials on the production, transportation and storage of oil, gas, exploration and processing, and the extraction of coal and morphine in the Russian Federation and abroad.

In total, the search database Polpred.com contains 600 sources from 110 regions, covering 235 countries and territories in 8 federal districts of Russia and other information over the past 25 years.

Any reader can contact an e-mail address AzII E-Book House library@asoiu.edu.az.
