

News 13 Jan 2022
ASOIU holds an information day on ERASMUS + programme

On January 12, at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), training was held on ERASMUS + programs.

At the training, the Director of the Azerbaijan National Office of ERASMUS + Parviz Bagirov presented on ERASMUS projects. He provided detailed information on the rules for applying for ERASMUS projects, the main directions of the program, participation in the project of local and foreign universities, and new projects and prospects. Speaking about the need to effectively use the opportunities of the Erasmus + program and other EU-supported educational programs in expanding international cooperation with higher education institutions of the European Union (EU), P.Bagirov noted that Azerbaijani universities have an important responsibility in this direction.

At the interactive meeting, answers were given to questions of interest to the participants and discussions were held on implementing new prospects.

It should be noted that the event is aimed at raising awareness in universities about the opportunities created by the ERASMUS + program for Azerbaijani universities, existing programs (ERASMUS Mundus, HORIZON 2020, Jean Monnet) and the conditions for their admission, as well as involving the academic staff. The ERASMUS + program also enable 4 million people to study, gain work experience and volunteer abroad.
