

News 17 Jan 2022
ASOIU's Public Reliance Council observes the examination process

On January 17, the Public Reliance Council members observed the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) examination process.

First, the Public Reliance Council members visited the memorial complex of ASOIU, dedicated to the memory of the dead graduates. Then they saw the classrooms where the exams were held and inquired about teachers and students' preparedness and the conditions created for conducting exams.

Then the Public Reliance Council members met with ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli and shared their opinion on the organization of the examination process. Rector M. Babanli informed the members of the Public Reliance Council about the recent work, innovations and educational structure of ASOIU.

The council members highly appreciated the conditions created at the university, as well as the process of examination control, expressed satisfaction with the course of the exams and the level of students' preparation.

The meeting also discussed adapting education and training to modern standards and new projects.
