

News 17 Jan 2022
ASOIU will take part as a partner in an international project within the framework of the HORIZON 2020

From 2022, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), using the capabilities of the HPC (High-Performance Computing) Center, will join the Horizon 2020 program "rEsilient and self-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid" to improve the sustainability of energy systems. In this regard, a plenary meeting of the project will be held in January 2022, and ASOIU will be introduced as a project participant.
It should be noted that the ELECTRON project's main goal is to create EPES platforms with several advantages, such as the possibility of distributed control using smart technologies to prevent cybersecurity incidents, electrical disturbances, and human errors in Electrical Power and Energy Systems (EPES).
In this project, ASOIU, using the capabilities of the HPC centre, will perform several functions, such as project management and coordination, ELECTRON system architecture, risk assessment and standardization in power systems, integration and testing of the ELECTRON system.
The project involves the Kingdom of Belgium and France, Spain, Greece, Sweden, Norway, and other European countries. The project implementation period covers October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2024. According to preliminary data, the project's total budget is over 10 million euros (10,207,562.50 euros).
Also, starting from July 2021, in collaboration with experts from the University of Western Macedonia in Greece, a new POWER4GRID project was developed and submitted to the HORIZON 2020 program. Thirty-six organizations from 14 countries are working together on the project. From Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, SOCAR and ASOIU will take part in this project as partners.
The main goal of the POWER4GRID project is to develop a grid system platform that is resistant to various problems (cyber-attacks, natural disasters, climate change, human factors) and can self-manage and self-adjust. And also includes developing the foundations for more resilient and reliable systems through risk assessment and decision making using artificial intelligence.
To discuss and improve the ELECTRON project and the recently developed POWER4GRID project for the HORIZON 2020 program and to explore the potential of the university and the country as a whole, from January 23, 2022, experts from the University of Western Macedonia will visit ASOIU.
