

News 17 Jan 2022
INFORMATION on the surcharge for the payment of the academic staff of ASOIU

Instruction on the calculation of the surcharge for the academic staff of ASOIU was approved by the decision of the Academic Council dated January 30, 2019.


The documents of the university staff (with the application addressed to the rector) were reviewed at the Analytical Center for Science and Education of ASOIU and based on the "Instructions for calculating additional payments to the academic staff of ASOIU (2019-2021)" an initial list of employees who fully meet the conditions of the competition was determined.

Points for the activities of university employees are limited to the following categories (taking into account certificates and diplomas issued by the Higher Attestation Commission):

  • Professor - 40-80 points;

  • Associate Professor - 35-65 points;

  • Assistant degree - 30-55 points;

  • Assistant without a degree - 25-45 points.


Those who disagree with the presented results can apply to the rector with an appeal letter. Appeals will be considered at the Analytical Center for Science and Education on January 18, 19 and 21, 2022, from 12:00 to 17:00 in aud. 327.

All results will be presented at a meeting Academic Board in January 2022. After approval by the members of the Academic Council and the signing of the corresponding order of the rector, a surcharge will be paid for the next 12 months from January 1, 2022.


