

News 19 Jan 2022
AzII E-Book House holds a book exhibition dedicated to the January 20 tragedy

On January 19, 2022, a book exhibition was organized in Azİİ e-Book House dedicated to the bloody January tragedy, in which Azerbaijan gave martyrs for sovereignty.

The exhibition featured books, chronicles, photographs, magazines, periodicals and other materials reflecting the bloody page in the history of Azerbaijan, the first peak of Azerbaijan's path to independence, the awakening of our national ideology, the desire for freedom, the glorious history of the people who lived in captivity in the Soviet empire for years. The exposition includes more than 50 exhibits.

In the years that have passed since January 20, 1990, to convey to future generations the truth about the heroic page of our history, many political, scientific, journalistic and artistic works have been written, most of which are included in the electronic catalogue and database Azİİ e-Book House and available to readers.
