

News 19 Jan 2022
ASOIU commemorates martyrs of January 20

On January 19, an event dedicated to the memory of martyrs on January 20 was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

At the event, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the academic staff and martyr families commemorated the victims of the bloody January tragedy. Carnations were lined up in front of the bas-reliefs of the faculties, where the university students who died on the night of January 20 studied. Then there was a meeting with relatives of martyr families. The Rector, Professor M. Babanli, spoke about the events of January 20, the people's struggle for national freedom and territorial integrity.

Traditionally, ASOIU celebrates the events of January 20 every year, and young people are given detailed information about the historical events that took place on that night. This year, too, before the exam, students were informed about the struggle of the Azerbaijani people for national freedom and territorial integrity and the historical events of that period.

Also, a book exhibition was organized in Azİİ e-Book House in ​​connection with the tragedy of January 20, in which Azerbaijan gave its first martyrs for sovereignty. The exposition includes more than 50 books, chronicles, photographs, magazines, periodicals and other materials about the events of January 20.
