

News 24 Jan 2022
Presentation of the book "I am Ali" dedicated to ASOIU martyr takes place

On January 24, the International Mugham Center hosted an event dedicated to the memory of the graduate of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), martyr of the Patriotic War Alihuseyn Mammadov "If I don't return, let the memory of me remain." The presentation of the book "I am Ali" that reflects the life and military path of the martyr Alihuseyn Mammadov took place at the event.

The event was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Fuad Musayev, Milli Majlis' Member Hijran Huseynova, Head of the Division for Work with Women and Families of Military Personnel of Main Department for Personnel of the Ministry of Defense Zumrud Samedova, representatives of others public and private organizations, relatives and family members of our martyr.

ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, speaking about Alihuseyn Mammadov, a graduate of the educational institution he heads, said that thanks to the heroism of our brave sons, the ancestral lands of Azerbaijan were liberated from the enemy in just 44 days. He noted that the courage of our heroes, being an example for our youth, once again showed the world the invincible power of Azerbaijan. Further, the speakers spoke about the unshakable strength and eternal victory of the Azerbaijani army, emphasizing that the souls of our heroic sons who fell for the Motherland will always be honoured.

The guests ' attention presented the video "Kimdir Əlihüseyn" about our martyr. The dialogue between the martyr's mother, Arzu Mammadova and her son, shown in the video, deeply touched the hearts of the event participants.

The second part of the event, dedicated to the memory of the heroic sons who died for Karabakh, were presented musical numbers and mugham work dedicated to martyr Alihuseyn Mammadov and patriotic paintings. The participants also got acquainted with the exhibition of personal belongings of martyr Alihuseyn Mammadov.
