

News 25 Jan 2022
Delegation of the University of Western Macedonia starts meetings at ASOIU

Headed by Professor of the University of Western Macedonia Greece Sarigiannidis Panagiotis, the delegation started meetings at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). ASOIU and the University of Western Macedonia are partners in the project "ELECTRON: rEsilient and self-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid" within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 program, and the purpose of the visit to Azerbaijan is to discuss ways to implement the project most effectively.

On January 24, the University of Western Macedonia delegation visited ASOIU and UFAZ operating under the university and got acquainted with the classrooms and laboratories, the HPC Center and the Laser Center.

ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli received the guests and informed them about the university's history, international relations, current programs and projects used to improve the quality of education. Rector M. Babanli expressed confidence that the currently implemented ELECTRON project, which is one of the projects of the European Union's HORIZON 2020 program, will be successful for ASOIU. Sarigiannidis Panagiotis, a Professor at the University of Western Macedonia, who is in charge of the ELECTRON project, said he was glad to be in Azerbaijan, including at ASOIU, and expressed hope that this cooperation would yield good results.

It should be noted that in this project, ASOIU, using the capabilities of the HPC centre, will perform several functions, such as project management and coordination, ELECTRON system architecture, risk assessment and standardization in power systems, integration and testing of the ELECTRON system.

Then, the University of Western Macedonia representatives met with teachers and students of ASOIU. During the meeting, Professor Ehsan Mousavi, invited by ASOIU, a specialist in high-performance computing, spoke in detail about the centre's activities and answered questions from the guests. Also, Rasim Abdullayev, Advisor to the Rector of ASOIU on Information Technologies and Innovations, made a video presentation and informed the guests about the history and activities of the university. Then the University of Western Macedonia representatives answered the questions of teachers and students. It should be noted that during their stay in Azerbaijan, the delegation of the University of Western Macedonia will meet with the heads of several state structures and companies.
