

News 27 Jan 2022
ASOIU holds first meeting of the Academic Board in 2022

On January 26, a regular meeting of the Academic Board in the traditional format was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Before announcing the agenda issues, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, congratulated Parviz Mammadov, Professor-Consultant of the Department of Geophysics, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, on their 85th birthday and Associate Professor Rafik Jamalov, Vice-Rector for International Relations, wished them long years of life and good health.

Further informing the Board members about the agenda issues, the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, spoke about infection and protection against COVID-19, vaccination, and the situation's impact on the educational process. He noted that the health of students and teachers is a prerequisite for quality education. The Rector also informed about the projects of the HORIZON 2020 program and pointed out that the participation of ASOIU in this international project would bring significant success to the university.

Regarding the additional salaries that should be paid to the academic staff of ASOIU in the calendar year 2022, Rector Professor M. Babanli stressed that it is essential to conduct a transparent assessment of the criteria of departments and teachers. Then he informed the Board members about establishing a branch of the department "Geology and exploitation of the deposits of mineral resource" at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS, and this proposal was unanimously accepted.

According to the agenda of the Academic Board's meeting, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, informed about the measures taken in the presence of a loan debt of more than 40% of students of one group in any subject at the examination session of the autumn semester of 2021/2022 academic year. Further, the Dean of the Master's Degree Division, Associate Professor Aida Shahmamedova, made a report on the state of training of masters at ASOIU, and the Dean of the Faculty of Energy, Associate Professor Aydin Aliyev, on the annual report of the Faculty. Head of the Department of Doctoral Studies of ASOIU, Associate Professor Zulfiqar Ibrahimli, informed about the approval of doctoral and dissertation topics for the PhD program and partial changes in the topics of dissertations for doctoral students and dissertators under the Doctor of Science program.

At the meeting of the Academic Board, after discussing the issues on the agenda, the members of the board made unanimous decisions. The Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli expressed his comments and suggestions on all issues and instructions on the upcoming work.
