

News 27 Jan 2022
ASOIU and the State Employment Agency hold a joint training

On January 27, under the joint organization of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and the State Employment Agency, a training was held on the topic "5 Mistakes".

Opening the event, Rasim Abdullayev, Rector's advisor for IT and İnnovation, spoke about the importance of the training for students and invited them to take an active part.

Speaking at the training, Togrul Alakbarov, Head of the Career Guidance Division of the State Employment Agency, shared with young people his experience in assessing employment opportunities by the requirements of the labour market, as well as developing personal skills, and spoke about the most common mistakes in building a career.

It should be noted that the main goal of the training, which will be regularly held jointly with ASOIU and the State Employment Agency, is to support the personal and career development of young people by the requirements of the labour market.
