

News 04 Feb 2022
A seminar within the framework of the "Promotion of the Open Science Platform" Project is held at ASOIU

On February 3, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a seminar organized by the Ministry of Education and the Azerbaijan Young Scientists, Post-Graduates and Masters Union (AYSPMU) within the framework of the project “Open Science in Azerbaijan: Promoting the Open Science Platform among Young Researchers”.

The seminar was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, Head of the Department of Doctoral Studies at ASOIU, Associate Professor Zulfiqar Ibrahimli, member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilgar Orudzhev, AYSPMU experts Rahimli Ruslan, Anvarli Sevinj, masters and doctoral students.

Head of the Department of Doctoral Studies at ASOIU, Associate Professor Zulfiqar Ibrahimli, informed the participants about the seminar. Further, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, spoke about the importance of holding such an event. She noted that it is essential to support young scientists, reveal their scientific potential promptly, and pay attention to the development of science in the teaching process. Chairman of AYSPMU, a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilgar Orudzhev, spoke about the conditions created for young people in the country. He said that implementing this project would further diversify the science and knowledge of young scientists and develop their international relations. This will undoubtedly create new opportunities for young people and give impetus to developing their science.

At the end, doctoral students and masters participating in the seminar were awarded certificates.
