

News 09 Feb 2022
Azİİ e-Book House hosts a book exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the famous scientist Rafik Aliyev

On February 9, in Azİİ e-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), in honour of the 80th anniversary of Rafik Aliyev, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Director of BA Programs, President of the Lotfi Zadeh Heritage and Artificial Intelligence Association, a book exhibition "Rafig Aliyev 80".

The exhibition includes about 35 books on computer science, control, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic and soft computing, published in Azerbaijani and several languages. A rich exposition dedicated to the world-famous scientist R. Aliyev and the books presented at the exhibition aroused great interest among readers.
