

News 09 Feb 2022
ASOIU student wins startup competition

A second-year student of the SABAH group in the speciality "Chemical Engineering" of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Gurbanova Ravana, won first place in the start-up competition "From Idea to Successful Business" within the framework of the project "Support for Entrepreneurship Development in Rural Areas of Azerbaijan".

In total, 98 start-up projects participated in the competition, which the European Union funded with the support of EQUITA and KOBIA. These projects were evaluated by a jury of local and foreign experts. Out of 10 team projects that participated in the final, the start-up project of ASOIU student "Head-controlled wheelchair" won first place. The project was carried out to identify the most successful start-ups in the regions of Azerbaijan and unlock their potential and support the creation and development of new business ideas, products, and services.
